Label: "european parliament"

May 23, 2022 08:16

European Parliament VP would leave Hungary out of oil the embargo

The proposal, surprising at first sight, is not so different from the Hungarian demand

May 20, 2022 08:35

All EU sanctions against Russia must apply to Belarus, MEPs say

For supporting Russia's war in Ukraine

eu lengyel eu justitia jog
May 19, 2022 16:38

MEPs critical of Commission for not being stern enough on rule of law issues

Call for broader scope and more in-depth assessment

May 19, 2022 15:33

MEPs push for quick adoption of global minimum corporate tax rate

Proposal adopted with large majority

eu európai unió brüsszel
April 05, 2022 08:34

EU Commissioner says rule of law mechanism could be triggered against Hungary

Over suspected corruption and public procurement problems

Paks II. godor helyszin
March 01, 2022 18:45

Hungary Fidesz MEPs back EP resolution that would kill Paks 2 project

Significance unclear at this point

November 25, 2021 09:05

EU to ‘vaccinate the world’ to combat pandemic

By mid-2022, Commissioner Kyriakides says

sebességmérés zéró tolerancia
October 06, 2021 13:35

European Parliament backs 30 km/h speed limit in all residential areas

And zero-tolerance for DUI

uj Ursula von der Leyen EP helyreallitasi terv 2109151
September 16, 2021 10:06

EC President: rule of law proceedings to begin, recovery plans at risk

Ursula von der Leyen sends strong message in State of the Union speech

August 25, 2021 11:30

European Commission delays infringement procedure against Hungary, Poland

25 August deadline missed

europai parlament cimlap getty tobbszor 2000
June 10, 2021 18:05

MEPs press Commission to defend EU funds from rule of law violators

Threatens with court proceedings against Commission

magyar útlevél_getty_stock
May 21, 2021 10:10

Provisional deal reached on EU digital Covid certificate

Eastern vaccines not included

koronavirus nyaralás
May 11, 2021 09:04

EU vaccination certificate on track to be introduced in June

National certificates to be phased out

novák katalin facebook
March 19, 2021 12:01

Hungary Orbán's Fidesz party quits European People's Party

Minister announces on Twitter

March 10, 2021 16:31

European Parliament green-lights new 7-year health scheme

At least one fifth of EUR 5.1 billion budget dedicated to disease prevention, health promotion

March 10, 2021 08:11

EP adopts InvestEU programme for strategic investments

Launchpad for investments that would otherwise be difficult to finance

deutsch tamás
March 03, 2021 12:50

Hungary Fidesz exits European People's Party

Leaked info proven correct

orbán viktor
March 01, 2021 08:35

You can't fire us, we'll quit - Hungary's Orbán threatens EPP

PM writes a letter to EPP President Weber

January 20, 2021 08:30

European Parliament calls for additional EU sanctions against Russia

Over Navalny's imprisonment - Vote due on Thursday

December 16, 2020 14:42

EP approves EUR 8 bn CAP transition package

Farm subsidies to continue without delay